Sector Work Academy Programmes

At SPS Training we work in collaboration with local job centres and employers to provide meaningful programs to give people the opportunity to develop their skills and move closer to work.  We do this through our core curriculum and also by using the SWAP model.

What is a Sector Work Academy Program?

A Sector Work Academy Program is a sector specific course that is designed to develop individuals soft and hard skills and help to prepare them for a specific employer or sector. The pre-employment training is generally 2 weeks long at SPS Training with some flexibility to make that shorter or longer where needed.

Learners will remain on benefit throughout the sector-based work academy and Jobcentre plus will pay any travel costs during the training and placement. Meaning there is no direct cost to an employer as the costs are covered by government funding.

There are 3 parts to a SWAP ad they are: 

1.Pre employment training

This will depend on the employer, the timescales and the skills development required.  Normally the provider (SPS) would meet with the employer and work out the most suitable training to work with the roles that are being recruited for.  All courses are delivered by our professional and experienced team of trainers.

2. Employer engagement/work experience

This gives the learners an opportunity to understand the workplace environment and the culture within the team.  To get a real feel for how they may fit into the business and can start to consider any challenges they may have to avoid any issues once potentially in role.

3. Guaranteed Interviews

This is a commitment asked of the employer as it is generally the complex application processes that often leave a candidate without even the opportunity for an interview, so getting an agreed interview guaranteed is a great opportunity for each of them to be in front of the employer.  This also gives them invaluable interview experience.

Why a SWAP?

A SWAP is a great opportunity for candidates to access employment opportunities with support and guidance to increase their chances of finding a sustainable job. 

During the time on the course, the candidates are not only improving existing skills and gaining some new ones, they are also building on their soft skills like confidence, self-esteem and motivation etc

For the employer it provides an opportunity to meet a large pool of candidates in one go, therefore reducing recruitment costs and giving them the opportunity to meet the candidates prior to interview stage in a more informal setting.  As the training provider we would also tailor and adapt the content of the course to meet the employer needs and help the candidates start to understand the business from day 1.